Exploring Hana!

Favorite beach to watch the sunrise- Redsands, OHEO GULCH

Favorite trees- Rainbow Euculyptus, Banyan Tree, MonKeYpod

Favorite no mans land- the backroad out of Hana- KAUPO GAP.

Favorite activities- Jumping off of bunny ears into oceans, pools, secret beach, playing music around the campfire, waterfalls and exploring the rainforest, hitch-hiking excursions, Love's pool, Snorkling, SUNRISE SURFING!!!

Favorite Foods- PRANIE"S THAI FOOD (Sun- Tues across from the ball park), Cafe Attitude (SUndays 7pm at Genes) Bruddah Huts BBQ (just past Hasegawas), Willows spanikopita, Pete's home-made pizza with a dessert crust, Ajas magic salads, Rebekahs massaged Kale, Sam and Kelly's home-made bread and everything else that they make:)

Favorite part of being at Hana Farms: The people, the flowers, the smell of ylang ylang, night blooming jasmine, the birds waking you up in the morning, sunrises, dinners together, playing music around the fire, learning and growing together, working through dramas and coming out more open-minded, laughing.

more favorites coming soon- from the 2009 crew!

- Hope you don't mind me adding to the list, but it is good to add least favorite things too, only because it is real life, and it is good for people to know the negative sides of living in the jungle as well. So, i will begin with my least favorite things:

Least Fav's:
- THE MOSQUITOES- especially at dusk. be ready to be eaten especially if it has just rained and the air is still. very smart to bring bug spray or mosquito coils or candles. Sounds like a silly thing to complain about, but- mosquitoes are one of my least favorite things in the world.

- The crazy driveway if you don't have a headlamp.
- How easily lighters can disappear
- Running out of propane mid laundry load:(
- Cane Spiders- I know they don't bite you, but they are huge, and scary looking!
- And not of course, having to leave Hana Farms- it is hard to go back to the real world after this. I must say. Seriously, prepare to miss it- sometimes i even miss the mosquitoes:)


  1. Randi AndersonAugust 29, 2009

    some more fav's-
    cafe attitude on tuesday
    prawnie;s thai food on Mondays
    watching the sunrise from the garden
    eating fresh lilikoi
    sushi nights
    secrets beach
    the walk from hamoa to secrets
    climbing the ficus tree
    learning how to farm/garden/ make cool things

    least favorite things-
    mosquitoes eating me
    cane spiders
    how in the winter some days you never seem to dry
    leaving hana farms
    missing having such wonderful company and advice from so many different people

  2. totally!

    We need a quote wall made too! One giant wall, with a map of the island, so we can post our favorite spots, and one world map to map out where all the Hana Farms people come from....and where we can post notes, and our contact info....and all of the great wisdom and silly blabber that comes out of the mouth of us jungle folk. Who's gonna do it???
