Soaking in the last days of August

How do summers float by in a blink of an eye? We are squeezing and savoring every last drop of summer before it is over. Literally squeezing hundreds of pounds of lilikoi juice to freeze for our winter lilikoi cravings:) And with summers-end comes goodbyes to wonderful summer friends. And, i apologize for yet another sappy goodbye....but I miss you guys already! Sam and Kelly (Kam and Smelly) just had their farewell party. Sushi dinner followed by songs around the bon-fire. You both will be dearly missed. Thank you for "high-fives for breakfast", and card-games, for sporting a 4 year olds 'group hug' muppit's shirt with a daisy chain to work, thank you for home-made rosemary bread, and every single fantastically creative dish that you so graciously shared with all of us, thank you for your sincere positivity, and reminding us all what love looks like, thank you for turning spoons into music-makers, and laughter into song, thank you for turning palm fronds into shooting stars, and barefoot coconut harvests, thank you for the way you would skip down the driveway with your arms stretched out punching the wind, thank you for your beautiful painting, and for "what about sunshine, what about rain..."thank you for coming into all of our lives. You both always have a home in Hana:)


  1. Kai BicknellSeptember 05, 2009

    Hi there. I e-mailed you a few weeks ago, but didn't hear back yet if you have any openings for the fall. Is there a better way to reach you? I really really want to stay on your farm. I did a tour of about 6 of the farms out there, and yours is by far the best. I have a huge interest in learning how to make things from the land, it would be wonderful knowledge to be able to take away with me when I go. You can e-mail me at Thank you, hope to hear from you

  2. Aloha Kai,
    So sorry to not have gotten back to you. For some reason this seems to be one of the busiest times of year for wwoof inquiries. I have been getting between 7-20 a day! We are currently full for the fall session- though we are in the midst of building 2 new cabins on the land. I am hoping to have them completed by October, so please check back towards the end of the month and I should have a better idea of what it's looking like. Mahalo- rebekah

  3. OHHHHHH........I miss you all so much. Truly the time that I spent with all of you was some of the greatest days of my entire life. I miss eating straight out of the gardens, I haven't felt so healthy in my life. Eating simply, and even on an emotional level, just to have so many deep converstaions and to really listen. Ahhhhhhh- so, I am thinking of coming back there if at all possible, I know it is full right now, but could I apply for the springtime? Give Marty and Paul a hug and a kiss for me- and let them know that I will bake and make the most delicious concoctions that they could possibly dream of. Love you all-

  4. Kelly and Sam were the Shit! Just sayin'! Hope they come back to visit soon! Awesome job Rebec's on getting such awesome people out here- it is impressive to see the impact you have had on the farm. You really are the heart of that place.
