A beautiful excerpt from Matt Kessler seemed appropriate for this blog update
"....It's a new adventure, and this one has welcomed me faster than I've welcomed it. I'll be on the same page soon enough, but right now I'm thinking of Hana Farms. And yeasty Jake listening to This American Life in the kitchen. Syd snacking on some Almonds and lying out under the stars. Angus jamming to Norweigian Wood and James Brown with facial expressions that verge on orgasm. Paul watching some crude television show that makes you both awkward and curious as you pass his house. A'ake not shutting the hell up. Maya looking damn cute. Matt Pat using Jake's roach toy for the cats on Frog's eager mouth. Zach leapfrogging over coffee drinkin' Jerry, then mobbing around the farm. Diggy and Johnny decking out a bagel and taking it town in the kitchen. Peanut's distant cries of being ambushed by a mongoose gang from miles and miles away. Karoline adding more nutritional yeast to Devorah's delicious popcorn, who is unbeknownst to the rest of the farm, cooking up a dance party, a dance party that Karoline will also add nutritional yeast too. Claire introducing the akala berry pie into our mouths and hearts, and in turn expanding our dream vision to 360 degrees and changing our lives forever. Dori and Meghan huddled around the oven, waiting for their new hybrid of Challah and moneyshot sticky buns to come out. Wondering if he should've decreased the temperature later in the bake, and if the buttermilk was indeed well past its prime for the whiskey soda bread. Kenneth hanging proud in the clubhouse,(we should draw some puppies in under the arms, just a suggestion). Rebekah's Turkey on Christmas,filled with love and deliciousness. Alan's heroic act. Keith blowing glass like when I first arrived. Ashley's big step and hilarious laugh. The Germans pesto. Wilco. The South Africans 'hectic.' Sleeping under the ylang ylang. The warmth of the fire. The warmth of the farm. Going to sleep every night comfortable, safe and aware that I was lucky enough to be immersed on the magical island of Maui where the natives greet us with aloha. A-L-O-H-A aloha."

1 comment:

  1. "forever after this moment, remember us being together, right now"
